About Us

We are a software company specialized in logistics, transport, supply chain and vehicular traffic solutions, focused on the development of innovative and creative applications, using state-of-the-art technologies.

We believe that creativity, human quality and passion are pillars to achieve results by working as a team.

We work by goal, fulfilling goals, satisfying needs with high quality products and innovators.

Our industry is software and technology, our DNA is the development of software, so we are the only software company specialized in logistic processes, and that makes the development of applications with high technology its main activity.


Since 2003 we have been specializing on software development for Supply Chain by building our own products, which provide solutions for logistics and distribution processes, warehouse management, delivery management, third-party logistics, distribution centers automation, traceability, pre-sale, purchasing, etc. We use web and mobile technology, barcode and RFID technology and GPS in all our applications.

Through our software factory, strongly oriented to the product, it allows us to keep at the forefront in technology, in a process of continuous improvement, with the aim of incorporating both new technologies and new functionalities. Our products are continually growing and evolving.

Our consulting team, oriented to clients and projects, formed by professional systems with extensive experience in the logistics sector, allows us to provide consultancy services and process improvement in our clients, in addition to the Implementation services of our products.

To provide solutions which not only satisfy customers`needs but also provide added value, observing that such solutions satisfy customers´s operative requirements and their business marketing strategies as well, thus generating innovative and high-quality products and services basing all the strategy on talented teams highly committed with the Mission, who constantly guarantee continuous improvement, quality, innovation and profitability.

To consolidate ourselves as a world-class products developer company for Supply Chain Software and as a high-quality company of software development which provides added value and is a reference in the market .

To provide software services and products which are supported by the quality of their development processes and project management, which also let us provide our customers with added value, quality and innovative products.

125 Projects
24 Employees

We are connected

We have the solution.

We keep our commitment daily with a quality policy, a mission and a vision focused on excellence, innovation and creativity.


    Todos los derechos reservados. | +54 11 5263-9479 | info@oxirium.com | Av. Las Heras 3257 (C1425ASJ), Buenos Aires, Argentina.